Monday, March 15, 2010

What Parents Should Know (part V)


If you discover that your child is definitely taking drugs:

  • Take a balance, calm view. Avoid over reaction or tearful recriminations.
  • Obtain as much information as possible from your child about the extent, duration and circumstances of the drug use.
  • Check if your child is ready to have help to handle the drug problem. If so, offer all support you can and arrange to see your GP or any suitable professional assistance.
  • If your child is not ready to take help, insist on a discussion with an expert to clarify knowledge and attitudes.
  • Take a clear, strong position that drug use is unacceptable and know the reasons why, draw your child’s attention to his or her behaviour, moods and deterioration, both physically and religiously.


  1. i like this article because this is reality keep your post continue and this post is appreciated thanks for shearing.

  2. Constantly communicate with your kids. Spend time with to them.... remember spending quality time with the family is a sure way of preventing them from being hooked to drugs

  3. It is important to start a conversation with your child if he is highly addicted to drugs. Do not scold them but you have to talk with them very slowly. You should understand the side effects of the drugs to to your child which surely helps your child to stay away from drugs.
